Frames & Lenses in Universal City

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Eyewear Options for Everyone

We’ve got eyewear options for the entire family in every budget and every style. Our team will help you pick the perfect frames for your face shape and lifestyle needs.

We carry durable frames for kids, funky colors and shapes for trendy teens, and style-savvy classics for office-goers. No matter your needs, we can find you something that fits your prescription and looks good too!

It shouldn’t be stressful to shop for eyewear—we’ll help make it easy by walking you through lens options, frame materials, and more. Come on in and shop for your perfect pair of glasses today.

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Our Brands

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The world leader in corrective lenses, Essilor, is present in more than 100 countries with a wide range of lenses to suit various lifestyle needs. Protect your eyesight with innovative lenses tailored to your prescription.

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Hoya provides a full range of proprietary lens materials, advanced designs for virtually every sight correction requirement, and superior scratch and anti-reflection coatings using Hoya's world-renowned Substrate Matching Properties™ processes.

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Quickly adapt from indoor to outdoor lighting in seconds. Living in the moment means not having the time to switch frames when going from different locations. Designed in USA, Transitions® lenses continuously change based on lighting, so you’ll never have swap glasses or suffer from strain headaches again.

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Trivex Lenses

Trivex polycarbonate lenses blend strength, lightweight comfort, and optical clarity in one package. Beyond their resistance to scratches and impacts, these lenses boast uniform thickness across all prescription powers, ensuring a consistent look and feel. With 100 percent UV protection and sharp central and peripheral vision, Trivex lenses are particularly great for active lifestyles.

Our Locations

Pat Booker

  • 2921 Pat Booker Rd #112
  • Universal City, TX 78148
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Kitty Hawk

  • 510 Kitty Hawk
  • Universal City, TX 78148
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