Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Universal City

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Maintaining Your Long-Term Eye Health

Your eyes and vision can undergo changes throughout your life as you age. At James F Anderson OD’s clinic, we understand that maintaining healthy eyes is crucial for the whole family. Regular eye exams are essential for detecting and managing various eye conditions, especially as you age. 

That’s why we offer comprehensive adult and senior eye exams tailored to each age group’s unique needs. Many eye diseases can progress silently in their early stages, and regular eye exams allow our team to detect potential problems early.

Contact us to schedule your next eye exam and get the peace of mind that comes with a comprehensive check-up.

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Your Eye Exam Frequency

While general recommendations suggest routine eye exams every 1 to 2 years, patients with specific medical or eye concerns may need more frequent visits. Our team will work closely with you to determine the right exam schedule for your needs.

We’re equipped to help manage many common and uncommon health issues that impact vision, helping you receive comprehensive care tailored to your needs.

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What to Expect During Your Eye Exam

You can expect a thorough evaluation of your vision and overall eye health during your eye exam. To make your eye exam as smooth and effective as possible, please bring:

  • Your current glasses or contact lenses.
  • A list of your current medications and any relevant medical history.
  • Any recent results from blood work, if applicable.

Our team will walk you through the entire exam process.


We start with preliminary tests to establish baseline measurements and assess various aspects of your vision. This can include:

  • Stereo vision tester: For assessing color perception and other visual baselines.
  • Reichert non-contact tonometer (NCT): To screen for glaucoma risk.
  • TopCon auto refractor/keratometer: Provides baseline refractive error and corneal curvature measurements.

We use our diagnostic technology to gain detailed insights into your eye health, including:

  • iCare digital retinal camera (DRS): Provides high-resolution images of your retina, allowing us to monitor for any signs of retinal disease or damage.
  • Topcon SL2ED with applanation tonometer: Used for measuring intraocular pressure and examining the front part of your eye for glaucoma.

We’ll review your medical history, medications, and recent blood work–crucial information as it can impact your eye health. Depending on your condition, we may recommend additional tests or blood work for a comprehensive assessment.

Eye Health Beyond the Exam Room

Maintaining eye health goes beyond regular exams. Your overall health plays a significant role in your eye health. Here are some tips for keeping your eyes in great shape:

  • Stay active: Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of conditions like diabetes, which can affect your eyes.
  • Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants supports eye health. Foods with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and E, and zinc are particularly beneficial.
  • Sun protection: Wear sunglasses with UV protection to safeguard your eyes from harmful sun rays.
  • Breaks from screen time: To reduce eye strain, follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

Your Partner in Eye Health

Our team is dedicated to supporting your eye health throughout life–we’ve been doing it since 1989. We will spend time with you and leave plenty of time open to answer any questions or concerns. 

Contact us to schedule your appointment today and prioritize your long-term eye health.

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Our Locations

Pat Booker

  • 2921 Pat Booker Rd #112
  • Universal City, TX 78148
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Kitty Hawk

  • 510 Kitty Hawk
  • Universal City, TX 78148
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