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Eye Allergies

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An allergy is an overreaction of the immune system by normally harmless subjects called allergens. Eye allergies come in a variety of forms. The most common allergens are pollen, dust mites, pet dander, insect venom, and food. Most people will suffer from at least one allergic reaction at some point in their life. Some people may experience hives or rashes from various foods or plants, sneezing from dust or pollen, and itchy eyes from dander. Of course, triggers and symptoms are different for everyone.

Eye allergy symptoms may include:

  • Red, watery, itchy eyes
  • Running or stuffy nose
  • Sneezing
  • Sinus pressure
  • Sore throat
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest tightening
  • Asthma attack (in severe cases)

Allergies can disrupt your quality of life and make it impossible to do activities you usually love. Don’t suffer through the discomfort! If you are one of the 30% of adults, or if your child is one of the 40% of children, who suffer from allergies, please schedule an appointment with Dr. James Anderson. We can talk about avoiding triggers, testing, and treatment options.  

Watch our video, or please call us for more information.


Written by Dr. Anderson

Dr. James F. Anderson earned his bachelor’s of science in biology from Christian Brothers College (now a university) in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1979. He then completed his Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) degree at Southern College of Optometry (SCO) in Memphis in 1984. He later received his Texas therapeutic optometry license in 1995 and obtained a TG certificate from the University of Houston College of Optometry in 2002, enabling him to treat and co-manage glaucoma in Texas.


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